Asset Protection
Life is uncertain. It pays to be prepared.
You’ve worked hard to be successful, building a unique portfolio of assets along the way. Have you thought about protecting accumulated wealth from unknown or unplanned risks? We’ll develop a plan that reduces risk and ensures your assets are protected. Our Asset Protection Services include:
Estate Planning
We work with your estate planning attorney to identify ways to:
- Manage assets if you’re disabled
- Manage investments for family after your passing
- Help reduce or avoid estate taxesD
- Support an elderly relative
- Support a special needs individual
- Provide for a child’s education
- Make charitable bequests
- Protect your privacy
We’ll identify gaps and provide you with life, long-term care and disability insurance solutions.
Trust Special Services
Ease a difficult time for your loved ones and ensure money will continue to do what you want it to do when you can no longer make financial decisions. Our services can help:
- Provide support and financial stability for surviving family members
- Preserve wealth for future generations
- Ensure your wishes are carried out according to your written guidelines when you’re no longer able to manage affairs
- Act in a fiduciary capacity as your Trustee, Executor or Agent to your Trustee or Executor
- Manage property as well as appraisal and distribution of your assets
Make sure your assets are protected

View your financial plan at a glance
Adjust goals to see different scenario outcomes
Collaborate with your financial partner