Our Values
What's important to you is important to us, too
At Metropolitan Commercial Trust Bank, we’ve been helping people do more with their money since 1898. We’ve grown a lot in the years since, but have never forgotten that financial decisions are life decisions. And that our work makes a difference for the people, businesses and communities we serve—and for the associates on our team. As we like to say, money isn’t everything, but so much depends on what you do with your money.
Our Purpose
Better banking that helps people live better lives.
The Way We Work
Working Harder And Smarter: We work together, we dig deeper, ask better questions and learn more. Everything we do is about helping customers succeed.
Life-Long Relationships: We build relationships—with families, companies, communities and associates—that last for decades.
Uncompromising Integrity: A family-controlled bank, we know there’s a wrong way and right way to do banking. And we choose the right way.